Apple’s new $3,499 VR headset, the Vision Pro, is off to a steady but niche start. According to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo’s estimates, Apple sold between 160,000-180,000 units during the first 48 hours of pre-orders.
That may seem impressive, but Kuo points out that shipping times remained unchanged during that critical early period, indicating demand dropped off quickly after the initial rush. Compared to an iPhone launch, shipping times usually increase steadily for the first 1-2 days as orders pour in.
Clearly, the futuristic but pricey Vision Pro is no iPhone…at least not yet. The headset lacks mainstream apps like YouTube or Netflix, limiting its appeal. And the $3,499 starting price tags it firmly as a luxury product. An estimated 0.007% of Apple’s 1.2 billion active users preordered one.
Still, the Vision Pro’s niche status aligns with Apple’s early-adopter strategy. Rumors suggest a cheaper $1500-$2500 model may be coming to attract more users. For now, Apple is offering demo sessions at its US stores, hoping to drum up interest and hype before the headset’s expected wide launch around WWDC in June.
Make no mistake – the VR space is heating up. Apple built its empire by making new technologies mainstream. As apps and lower-priced options arrive, the Vision Pro may move from techies’ fantasy to living room staple. But wider public adoption may take a few more hardware generations – and reality checks.
I aimed for a more conversational, accessible tone while highlighting the key facts and market dynamics. Please let me know if you would like me to modify or expand the perspective.