The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which happens to be one of the biggest and influential tech trade shows around the world. The show kicks off its first in-person event in Las Vegas on Wednesday. Since the start of the pandemic the show has had happened virtually but this year it was an in-person event. While the conference promised a little different look and feel in 2022, the conference still presents that mix of innovative products everyone will talk about all year round.
Let’s take your mind away from the regular gadgets that come across when you hear about a conference likes this. We mean the regular laptops, tablets and smartphones you may already know, this year the event featured a handful of gadgets and innovations very fresh to the mind. The gadgets that have been showcased so far suggest that indeed 2022 is going to be a great year for technology.
We present to you one of the buzziest mobile phones at CES 2022
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE Smartphone With Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 processor and AMOLED Panel
The new Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G smartphone is the latest addition to the existing S21 line. Samsung’s Galaxy S21 collection had only the S21, S21+and S1 Ultra, with the new entry of Galaxy S21 FE, the company is expanding the range. Samsung launches the S21 FE at CES 2022, a show Samsung will normally focus on monitors and TVs. The FE in the name stands for “fan edition” and it has some of the best features similar to its existing S21 line, the only difference is that it packages as a more affordable device.
The smartphone would start selling on January 11 for $699.99 for the 128GB model and $769.99 for 256GB of storage. The S21 FE costs $100 less than last year’s S21 for the same processors, refresh rates and triple camera system. The Galaxy smartphone is a device with a front that is nearly all screen, 6.4-inch Dynamic AMOLED panel, a size slightly larger than last year’s S21. The mobile device comes with an aluminium frame, a fingerprint scanner and a slight 32-megapixel selfie camera tucked at the top. The mobile device is suited to handle colours and supports a 120Hz refresh rate for smoother visuals compared to many phones at that price. Also included is a fingerprint sensor that has been built into the bottom half of the display. Well maybe not as flashy as the S21, but the price and colour difference makes a compelling case. It will be available in olive, lavender, white or silver colours while weighing 177 grams.
Another similarity the new S2 FE has in common with the rest of the Galaxy S21 family is the power of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 processor. With this, photos are guaranteed to be quick to process, users can play games either locally or from the cloud, and multitasking is also made easy through the fluid movement between apps. However, sadly the RAM is lower than in other S21s and this could make a case for slowing down when more intense tasks or a bevvy of apps opened. The $699 S21 FE with128GB storage features RAM of 6G and the $769 has a 256GB storage capacity features 8GB, both preloaded with Android 12 and Samsung’s One UX 4.0.
Speaking about the battery life, which is a key consideration to mobile device lovers, comes with a 4,500mAh battery inside. Users can easily go a full day on a charge, or maybe two days with lighter usage. Charging requires a plug into light with the USB-C cable or simply place it on a Qi-enabled wireless charging pad and you are good to go.
Samsung’s Galaxy S21 FE is shaping up to be an excellent new entry point into the Galaxy S21 family, although rumour has it that the successor of the S21 Family, which is the Galaxy S22 launches in a few weeks. The Galaxy S21 FE has 3 cameras at the back, 12-megapixel ultra-wide lens, 12-megapixel wide-angle lens and 8-megapixel telephoto lens