Samsung launched a series of gadgets today slated to be released later in the year as a competition to the upcoming series of iPhone 13 smartphones from Apple. Notable among today’s announcements is the new Galaxy Z Flip 3, the third in its foldable phone series.
The 5G capable, Android-controlled gadget significantly brings down the section cost for the foldable class, coming in at $999 after its predecessor had cost $1,449 at launch time. Flanked by another Galaxy Z Fold 3 costing $1,799, a Galaxy Watch 4 at $249 and Galaxy Buds 2 at $149, the Flip 3 will be Samsung’s star product later this year we imagine, with the organization discarding its standard dispatch of a Galaxy Note gadget in the mid year. The larger Fold 3 will be capable of using a stylus, effectively supplanting the Note’s position in the company’s premium range.
Samsung focused on “a full-scale lead promoting” barrage for its foldables this year during its latest earnings call. The South Korean tech giant placed a big bet on foldables and the bet seems to be paying off. The company in the earning call that “the market interest for foldable cell phones is developing dramatically, Samsung will be the main and first supplier, driving the market interest. We expect this age of foldables will be our smash hit at this point.” Analysts estimate that Samsung could very well sell 6.5 million units of its foldable devices.
Samsung is still the biggest smartphone maker in the world but it is seeing a huge pressure from Apple, Xiaomi and Oppo who have all announced a range of products to take on Samsung’s gadgets. Samsung is well aware of this threat and as such is making investments in an area that many have still not appreciated because of the many technical issues and let’s face it, confusion over usage.
Just as rivals are looking to make big announcements, they surprised many by launching a more sophisticated 5G enabled smartphone below $1,000. By controlling the price and leading the launch race of the foldable, Samsung is looking to cement its place at the top.
Galaxy Flip 3 has a 6.7-inch display on its interior and a 1.9-inch screen on its outside cover. It packs a smaller 3,300mAh battery. The Galaxy Fold 3 expands the inner display to 7.6 inches, has a full-size 6.2-inch panel on the exterior and fits a larger battery.