Meta has announced that it would be holding a new gaming showcase for its Quest VR headsets on June 1. According to a blog post, the event will feature “over 40 minutes of content,” including game announcements, first glimpses, updates, a preshow, and a post-show.
The event will be the third Quest Gaming Showcase hosted by Meta. Among the fascinating games at the 2022 event, which took place in April, were Resident Evil 4, Among Us VR, and a brand-new Beat Saber add-on. Fingers are crossed to see the positive surprises Meta has in store for the occasion, even though some VR enthusiasts might still be disgruntled that the business has discontinued the highly valued Echo VR.
At 12:45 PM ET, the preshow for the event kicks off, and at 1 PM ET, the main show begins. The event will be broadcast on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, and the company’s Horizon Worlds social VR platform.
There are a lot of gaming events happening in June, including Meta’s event. The showcase from Meta, the Xbox and Starfield events from Microsoft, the Ubisoft show, and Geoff Keighley’s Summer Game Fest will all still be happening even though E3 has been cancelled.