Google recently tweaked its Photos app to broaden its memory feature, since it has recorded several users that tag the Photos app as the most preferred Google product. This new tweak focused on improving the Memory album within Photos — an individual media library that is expected to revive nostalgic experiences.
The Google Photo app now has a simplified UI — Memories now features a swipe-up menu that reveals in-depth details about the exact nostalgic scenario that makes up the image located in the Memory tab. With these details revealed by swiping up effect, it should encourage more users to oblige with making more memories with the Google Photo app.
Google’s Photo app is not the flagship product developed by the Search Giant. Still, it remains the most popular app Google has built under its custom brand. It is a known fact because every Android user uses Photos to store media files, including photos and videos.
The swipe-up menu section under the Memories album in the Googles Photo app has always existed which can be accessed via the dotted overflow menu of the selected image. The three-dot sub-menu list is dedicated to displaying information that also gives options to view other related images data, including information about images captured at the same time and day.
For contrast, when you select an image, the three-dot overflow menu is a dedicated button to reveal the sub-menu about the selected image — “View all photos from this day, Order canvas print, Order photos print as well as the Memory settings.”
It is worth noting that these options are still accessible via the menu section of Photos Memory by swiping up. Now, the new menu overlay is similar to the previous options of the Photo app — this prompts ease usage.
Without the three-dot, you can easily swipe up to access the same available Exchangeable Image File (Exif) data tied with the Memory album. The Exif data includes information about the location the image was taken and the time the image was captured.
At the top of the screen, you would see an option that allows you to add an image to a new or existing album, or hide the image if the nostalgic experience becomes unpleasant. Note that the previous options are still available when you swipe up, such as Memory settings, Ordering photos or canvas, etc.
Without adding tags, the Exif data can tell the type of pet that features on the image, which could either be a cat, a dog, or alien in nature your pet might be whenever you do the swipe up effect.
Google intends to use its Photo product to influence its users’ throwback experience while using its products, especially at the time when throwback will be rated entertaining.
Per TechBooky’s consent about this Google Photo improvements, the Search Giant silently released this update for its custom android users. Still, Photos version is the current app update with swiping up effect that reveals in-depth Exif data.