In a momentous reveal, Apple has taken the wraps off the all-new Apple Watch Series 9. Boasting a powerhouse S9 Apple silicon chip, groundbreaking features like the “Double Tap” hand gesture, Precision Finding for iPhone, and much more, this next-gen wearable is set to redefine your tech experience.
Under the hood, the Series 9 has undergone a comprehensive redesign, anchored by an entirely fresh Apple silicon chip. With an astounding 60% increase in transistors and a 30% boost in processing speed compared to the S8 chip, this watch is engineered for unparalleled performance. It also boasts a cutting-edge four-core neural engine, making neural tasks a blazing 2x faster.
Siri, Apple’s iconic voice assistant, now flexes its muscles on the Apple Watch. Not only does this integration result in swifter and more secure Siri requests, but it also grants Siri access to your health data for the first time. Furthermore, the Series 9’s dictation capabilities are a game-changer, with a remarkable 25% increase in accuracy, thanks to on-device processing.
Worried about battery life? Fear not, as the Series 9 retains the impressive 18-hour all-day battery life you’ve come to expect from Apple Watch.
With Ultra Wideband support, the Apple Watch Series 9 introduces Precision Finding for iPhone, a feature previously exclusive to AirTags. The watch also enjoys deeper integration with the HomePod. When an Apple Watch wearer approaches a HomePod playing audio within a four-meter radius, the Series 9 intuitively launches Now Playing to take command of the media. In cases where no media is in play, media suggestions take centre stage in the Smart Stack.
The Series 9 showcases a luminous always-on Retina display that can crank up to a dazzling 2000 nits, doubling the brightness of the Apple Watch Series 8. Need to tone it down? It can dim to a mere one nit, ideal for discreet use in theatres or during nighttime.
Get ready for a game-changing interaction with the “Double Tap” hand gesture, reminiscent of a Vision Pro headset. By simply tapping the thumb and index finger together, users can seamlessly engage with the device without touching the screen. This innovative feature empowers you to answer or end calls, control timers, snooze alarms, manage music playback, access the Smart Stack, and much more. The watch accomplishes this by detecting subtle changes in movement and blood flow, thanks to its accelerometer and blood oxygen sensor.
Fashion-forward fans, take note: the Apple Watch Series 9 now arrives in a stylish Pink colour option, joining the ranks of Starlight, Silver, Midnight, and PRODUCT(RED). For those favouring the stainless steel version, it’s available in Silver, Gold, and Graphite.
Environmentally conscious consumers will appreciate the Series 9’s sustainable design, constructed with more recycled materials and packaged in an eco-friendlier box. The new Sport Loop band proudly features 82% recycled yarn. In a notable shift, leather bands are no longer on the menu, but fear not—Apple offers an enticing array of “FineWoven” bands, alongside exclusive Hermès and Nike options.
The Apple Watch Series 9 boldly carries the torch forward from the Series 8, introducing a slew of cutting-edge features, from body temperature sensing and cycle tracking to enhanced gyroscopic and accelerometer capabilities and Crash Detection. Witness the future of wearables with the Series 9.