First it was gaming and now LinkedIn is reportedly trying to launch a TikTok-like feature. The Microsoft-owned professional networking platform confirmed on Wednesday that it is experimenting with a new TikTok-like short-form video feed, joining the ranks of other major apps that have ventured into this domain like Instagram and Facebook reels.
The new feature, initially discovered by Austin Null, a strategy director at McKinney, introduces a dedicated “Video” tab in LinkedIn’s navigation bar. Upon tapping this tab, users are quickly sent to vertical videos that look like just the TikTok. LinkedIn is adding short videos to its platform to help people learn and discover new things more easily. These videos will cover topics like career advice and tips from professionals, which is what LinkedIn is all about. The goal is to make it easier for users to find helpful content and connect with others.
But this move also shows that LinkedIn knows its users are starting to prefer watching videos instead of just reading articles or posts. So, they’re trying to keep up with this trend by giving users more video options. This way, people can learn and get inspired in a fun and interactive way.
However, adding short videos to LinkedIn might have some challenges and drawbacks. Some users may perceive the introduction of yet another video feed as overwhelming, amidst the proliferation of similar features across various social media platforms. The inundation of short-form videos, albeit professionally oriented, could detract from the platform’s primary value proposition as a professional networking site, potentially diluting its appeal among users seeking a more focused and curated experience.
Moreover, the integration of a TikTok-like feature raises questions about maintaining the platform’s professional ethos and safeguarding against the potential proliferation of non-business-related content. As LinkedIn navigates this delicate balance between innovation and preserving its core identity, it faces the challenge of ensuring that the new feature aligns with the platform’s overarching mission of facilitating meaningful professional connections and interactions. Some professionals are quick to comment on videos that don’t represent core LinkedIn values, “this is LinkedIn and not Facebook”, well now they might have say it to the LinkedIn management directly if this feature goes live globally.
Nevertheless, the launch of the short-form video feed represents a strategic move by LinkedIn to capitalize on the growing trend towards video-centric content consumption while providing creators with a new avenue to share their expertise and insights. As the feature undergoes testing and refinement, its success will ultimately hinge on its ability to strike the right balance between fostering engagement and maintaining the platform’s reputation as a premier destination for professionals.