At the Peek Performance event, a virtual event hosted by Apple witnessed the unveiling of new products by Apple. Earlier at the event, Apple announces that the new iPhone devices would be coming with a new gorgeous green finish. According to the company, iPhone 13 devices will come in green, while the 13 Pro device will also be available in “alpine green.” Starting on March 11th, users can go ahead with preorder as they’ll be available from March 18th.
According to the company, iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 comes with a sleek and durable design. The new alpine green iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 , created using multiple layers of nanometer-scale metallic ceramics applied across the surface, is perfectly complemented by the surgical-grade stainless steel band and textured matte back glass.
Bob Borchers, Apple’s vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing says “We’re excited to unveil the stunning new alpine green and green finishes, which join the wide range of beautiful colours on the iPhone 13 lineup.” He added that, “People love the design of iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13, these new colors give customers even more options when choosing their iPhone, and we can’t wait for them to take advantage of all the iPhone 13 lineup offers, including unmatched performance with A15 Bionic, our best camera systems, massive improvements to battery life for everyday needs, fast 5G, incredible durability, and so much more.”
Last year when the iPhone 13 launched, Apple didn’t make offer the green options unlike when the iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and iPhone 12 was unveiled with green options. This year in a bid to capture users’ attention, the company offers a finer version of the iPhone 13 lineup. However, the type of green is said to share the “midnight green” of the iPhone 11 Pro, rather than the lighter greens options of the iPhone 11 and iPhone 12. At last year’s spring event, the company debuted an excellent purple option for the iPhone 12 and 12 Mini which recorded significant acceptance amongst users.
The iPhone 13 features the lightning-fast A15 Bionic, advanced camera systems, great battery life, impressive durability, and 5G. The A15 Bionic chip has been described to enable incredible experiences like Cinematic mode, offers fantastic graphics, and is tightly integrated with iOS 15.4. With A15 Bionic, more power-efficient components, and power optimizations guaranteed, especially by the tight integration of hardware and software. Incredibly efficient to handles even the most demanding tasks, and even faster machine learning computations, The iPhone 13 Pro particularly was made for low light. The Wide camera adds a wider aperture and it leverages the LiDAR Scanner for Night mode portraits. Ultra-Wide gets a wider aperture, a faster sensor, and all-new autofocus. And Telephoto now has a Night mode.
The iPhone 13 Pro in alpine green and iPhone 13 in green ship with iOS 15.4, which offers the ability to use Face ID while you’re keeping safe and wearing a mask, a new Siri voice option, expanded language support for Visual Lookup, new emoji, and much more.