Global streaming platform –Netflix which is known for the TikTok-style comedy feed on phones called Fast Laughs is getting set to bring the same comedy feed feature to TVs. The Fast Laughs feature which was introduced by Netflix in 2021 is a feed that houses clips from stand-up specials, movies, comedy shows and movies. The feature is currently reported to be in its test phase. The company encourages users to opt-in and get a flurry of hopefully funny clips from Netflix.
The feature on phone contains up to 100 videos daily, these videos have a duration of about 15 – 45 seconds, it was introduced in a bit to help users quickly find something they might really enjoy and then drive them to watch the whole affair or add to watch list. The feature was “slowly” introduced to Netflix subscribers in selected English-speaking countries like the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Fast Laughs is only available to adult profiles but not kids. Once it’s enabled subscribers can locate it several it somewhere at the bottom of the home page. However, the feature has been programmed by the company to respect all subscriber content settings.
Though the appearance of a TikTok-styled feed seems odd on the app of the streaming platform, especially at a time when people are glued to the phone screens and more concentered on how they are perceived on social media, however, because it’s TV edition, the acceptance may be different. For Netflix subscribers having a hard time finding what they want to watch, Fast Laughs can be an ultimate tool that helps you discover that video content that catches your attention. This could help settle on a show relatively quickly when trailers aren’t enough.