VPN — Virtual Private Network is mostly used on public networks to avoid prying network from spying on your activities online. This tech serves as a tool that provides extra security while you surf the internet incognito. The VPN has reportedly offered a lot of benefits, a vast experience in securing its users from prying public networks.
Per VPN functions, it creates an encrypted connection that is only accessible by two parties, including, the private server and your device. It worth noting that an active encrypted connection does not hide your data traffic from the VPN provider. Still, your data traffic remains hidden from another prying to access your network.
Techbooky suggests using a VPN server securely developed by a trustworthy company and avoid using VPNs that do not charge a dime — free VPN usually monetizes their fee unpleasantly. Remember, only a legit VPN can hide your data traffic from others and not the VPN service provider itself, which warrants law enforcement agencies the chance to retrieve your traffic from the VPN company.
Aside from the in-built HTTPS domain default in your browser, an active two-factor authentication, and a password manager, VPN is another means of encrypting your presence on the internet. Accessing sensitive information on the web via a VPN server is one benefit other security tools can’t offer.
For contrast, since the Nigerian government placed an indefinite ban on Twitter, you can still socialize on the microblogging media via a solid VPN. It worth noting that a well encrypted VPN can bypass the most secured and regulated firewall — these kinds of security firewall is mostly used in Europe and Asia (especially China and Russia)
Follow TechBooky’s guide to manually configure your Windows VPN at the comfort of your home — a simple method to set up your VPN via your router which requires certain steps. Note that other devices connected to your router after you configure your PC, will not take effect in their device, but it is likely to lag the traffic pace.
It worth noting that VPN tools nowadays usually support the “OpenVPN protocol” which bolsters the simplicity of configuring the encryption tool to allow app access.
This configuration requires you to create your VPN profile — these details will be relatively in line with your VPN service in particular.
Goto ‘Settings’ in your Windows 10 → click ‘Network & Internet’ → click ‘VPN’ → click ‘Add a VPN connection.’
A set-up window will pop for you to fill:
Under “VPN provider,” click ‘Windows (built-in)’ → under “connection name” give your VPN a name → then fill in your “Server name or address” → then the “VPN type” → and select the “Type of sign-in info” which is ‘User name and password’ by default.
Click ‘Save’.
Now, go back to your ‘VPN’ and click on the VPN you just created — click on your VPN name to connect.
You can then click on “Advanced Options” to further edit your ‘connection properties’, configure your ‘VPN proxy’, or ‘Clear your sign-in info’. You can also add an extra password for stable security (this is optional, but Techbooky recommends it.)
At this point, you can safely connect your VPN for use.